Saturday 16 March 2013

Term 1 Issues in teaching and learning science


Reflection & Term 1 Concepts

As Hwa Chong incorporates independent studies, the school constantly encourages us to read up for more information on our own. However, I am new to this school and was unaware of this system. After my first science lesson, I worried and asked myself many questions like why does the teacher teach the basic stuff only? and how to do self-study? and many more questions. I was lost. However, after this lesson, I told myself to buckle up and listen attentively and inquire more and look up on how to self-study.

How I overcame these problems:


With self-study being a crucial thing in Hwa Chong, I immediately pulled up my socks and went forward to look through the science notes issued to us in the beginning of the year. In this way, I will have a brief understanding of the topic and a bit of information when the teacher teaches that topic. I also would be able to understand the teacher unlike past times. I will also be able to answer the teacher's questions.

Science Concepts

In term 1, I had learnt a lot of very fun topics and concepts, especially in the 1st topic, Science as an Inquiry. I learnt that there are 3 major elements which involved the study of science:

i. Attitudes
ii. Processes and Methods
iii. Products

i. Attitudes

 willingness to modify their own views in the face of new evidence.
 respect for ideas of others.
 disposition not to jump to conclusions.
 scepticism for generalisations not based on verifiable (repeatable) observations.
 objectivity by seeking data and information to validate observations or explanations.
 interest and enjoyment in studying the marvels of nature.

ii. Science Process Skills

These are some of the process skills that you will learnt throughout the Science lessons:
 observe, classify, communicate, measure, infer, estimate and predict

In carrying out the different experiments in the Science Laboratory, you are to bear in mind the following pointers:

 Observing carefully and measuring accurately.
 Communicating effectively.
 Making Inference and developing a hypothesis.
 Planning or designing experiments to test the hypothesis.

iii. Products of Science

Products of Science are the info and ideas of science that have been recorded as scientific knowledge. Scientists build on what other scientists have discovered. Video conferencing, the Internet and cloning of animals are all products of technology.

Benefits of Science and Technology
• Improve health
• Prolong lifespan
• Make lives more comfortable and convenient
• Enable people all over the world to communicate                   
• Reduce damage caused by natural disasters

Abuses of Science and Technology
• Pollute the environment
• Destroy lives (nuclear explosion)
• Deplete nature's resources
• Upset the balance in nature

Limitations of Science
Science cannot:
• give life to non-living object.
• forecast future events.
• explain matters relating to religions.
• help us return to the past or go to the future.                          

We also learnt:


Application in daily life

As a good citizen, I must have a good attitude at all times. I must be respectful to my family and others. I also do not want to jump to conclusions without evidence. We cannot be biased against any people and accuse them of something which they did not do. I must find evidence first then talk to the suspect. We must not blame others wrongly.

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LSS Science Notes 2013 by Hwa Chong Instituition

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