Term 3 Issues in teaching and learning Science

Issues in teaching and learning Science

I faced a lot of problems especially during this term as this term we had to finish all the topics we were required to learn for the year. We also had the End-Of-Year Exam (EOY) coming up. Our teacher had to rush through most of the topics, thus I was not really sure what he was teaching. As the saying goes, "Every cloud has a silver lining", I feel that this is very true. I thought of a solution eventually and went to view the online lessons on the New iVLE to learn about the topic. I also attempted some of the quizzes and scored pretty well in fact.

Here's what we learnt in Term 3:

In Term 3, we learnt the rest of the syllabus:

  • Solutions and Suspensions
  • Separation Techniques
  • Microscope, Cells and Structures
  • Diffusion and Osmosis
  • Food Groups
  • Digestion
  • Respiration

Solutions and Supensions

All solutions are mixtures that consist of 2 parts:
  • Solvent: The substance that the solute or solutes dissolve in and it forms the bulk of the solution
  • Solute: The substance that dissolve
Usually, we use water as a solvent because many substances can dissolve readily in it. However, the solvent does not have to be water! Substances that do not dissolve in water may be soluble in other solvents E.g. ethanol (an alcohol), oil.

Here are some of the solutions we are required to know:

Solvent : Water
Solute : Chlorine gas
• Chlorine

– Greenish-yellow gas
– Low melting and boiling point
– Poor electrical conductor

Chlorine is used in bleaches for our clothes.

Solvent : Ethanol
Solute : Iodine

Iodine is a non-metallic element that sublimes when heated to form a violet vapour. When dissolved in ethanol, it forms tincture of iodine, used as an antiseptic.

The solubility of a substance in a solvent is the maximum quantity of that substance which can dissolve in 100 g of the solvent at a given temperature. (g/100g)

A dilute solution contains a small amount of solute in a large volume of solvent. A concentrated solution contains a large amount of solute dissolved in its solvent. A saturated solution is one which contains a large amount of solute dissolved in its solvent such that no further solute can dissolve. The temperature, nature of solute, nature of solvent and pressure affects solubility. Solubility is different from rate of dissolving.

Separation Techniques

  • Filtration
  • Evaporation
  • Distillation
  • Magnetic attraction
  • Paper chromatography
  • Crystallisation


Simple Distillation

Fractional Distillation

Magnetic Attraction

Paper Chromatography


Microscope, Cells and Structures

A cell is the basic unit of life. A group of cells form a tissue, a group of tissues form an organ and a group of organs form a system. An animal cell is different from a plant cell as a plant cell has a cell was, a large central vacuole and starch particles while an animal cell does not.

Reflections on termly performance and growth development in Science

Personal Performance

This term, I managed to improve in my test. I felt quite sad about my results as I made quite a lot of careless mistakes in the paper. However, I improved. I achieved 29.5/35. Even if I didn't live up to my expectations this time, there is still the EOY exams which would be 7 times the weightage of this test, giving me another chance to redeem myself.

Of course, there is still room for improvement. I was once again forgetful and had forgotten some simple concepts during the test. This was most likely because I was very nervous during the test and probably had a nervous breakdown thus explaining why my mind went blank. However, I did study 2 weeks in advance for this test. I feel that I should have calmed myself down before the paper so that I could have performed to the best of my ability. Additionally, I would advise myself to try to memorise the concepts so that I will not forget them like in this test.

Growth Development

As the terms progressed, the difficulty of science questions gradually increased. For example, the elements of the periodic table were hard to remember. However, I made use of the internet and the science notes given to help me memorise the elements. Also, some concepts were hard to understand, but through the experiments in the science lab, it helped me to visualise and understand the concepts better. When I am unsure, I go home and go to the iVLE for online lessons to do my revision and a recap of what the teacher has taught. I also search up on information on the internet to help me better understand the topic.

My Personal Work

This picture was taken during a lab session. I feel very proud of this as it was one of my favourite practical sessions and I loved the result. It is just too beautiful!!! The way the ink spreads out into the different colours is magnificient!

LSS 1 Secondary 1 Science Notes by HCI
LSS Powerpoint Slides by HCI
Google Images

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