Reflection on Science Experiences (Term 2)

Lab Session 6 (Measurement of Length)

In this lab session, we were supposed to measure the height of a seat, internal and external diameter of a beaker and diameter of a wire and marble. The purpose was to let us be familiar with the use of measuring instruments.

We used different kinds of measuring apparatus such as the metre rule , vernier calipers and the micrometer screw gauge.

During this lesson, I learnt that each measuring apparatus has its own purpose. This is because of the units of length and the length of the measuring apparatus. For example, the metre rule measures the the unit of cm. The micrometer screw gauge measures the thickness of very thin objects. The vernier calipers is used to measure the unit of cm but it is used to measure the internal and external diameter of most items . This lesson was fruitful as I learnt how to operate these measuring apparatus.

Lab Session 7 (Determining Density)

In this lesson, I learnt how to calculate the density of a regular solid and an irregular solid. The formula of density is where m represents the mass and V represents the volume and p represents density. Before using the micrometer screw gauge, we had to check for zero errors to prevent miscalculations. After we calculated the volume of the marble, we rounded off the volume to 4 sf and 1 dp. I understood the importance of precision when recording measurements and the number of decimal places had to be accurate and how to find density of objects using the displacement method.

Here is a video similar to what we did.

Lab Session 8 (Brownian Motion)

Here is what we did for the lab session on brownian motion. The picture on the right shows particles of smoke being bombarded by the air particles thus causing the rapid movement of smoke particles that we see with our naked eye. The aim of the experiment was to let us observe Brownian Motion. Brownian Motion was first discovered by Robert Brown, a Scottish botanist. He was using a microscope to look at pollen grains in water and realised that they kept moving.

During this lab session, I learnt a lot as I have never heard of Brownian motion before. Although I observed a situation similar to Mr Brown's incident, I did not bother to look up more on it. I gained a lot of knowledge during this lab session and now, I can apply what I have learnt into daily life. Why do you smell perfume at one side of the room while the person using it is on the other side? Well, it's because of diffusion. Brownian motion is truly amazing!

Lab Session 9 (Investigating Mixtures and Compounds)

For this lab session, we were to understand the properties of a mixture and a compound. The first picture shows the chemicals we used: Iron filings, Sulfur powder, and a mixture of the elements. This lab session was very fun and interesting. We got to see how chemicals look like and see their reactions to heat and magnetism. This lab session was very interesting. During this lab session, I learnt a lot of things. I learnt what is an element and a mixture. I also learnt the reactions with certain chemicals and what do they do. Mixing chemicals is fun but I know it's dangerous and I will know my limits.

Lab Session 10 (Forming Compounds)

For this lab session, the aim was to investigate the formation of compounds by reacting 2 elements, an element and a compound, 2 compounds. I have learnt how compounds are formed. They can be formed by heating (e.g. magnesium). The magnesium comes into contact with oxygen in the air and thus forming magnesium oxide, a compound. I also learnt that an element can react with a compound to form a new compound as well. We observed how sulfuric acid reacts with iron filings, thus forming iron (II) sulfate + hydrogen. I also learnt how 2 compounds could react to form a new compound. This lab session was fun as I got to heat things and mix chemicals.

Lab Session 11 (Which can dissolve more?)

For this lab session, the aim was to find out if the solubility of different solutes differs in the same solvent. I have learnt some factors affecting the solubility of different solutes such as type of solvent, temperature of solvent, amount of solvent and amount of solute added at every interval. I also learnt the different solubility of different type of solute.This lab session was quite interesting as we tried to use ways and means to find out the solubility of the different solutes.

Lab Session 12 (A Separation Problem)

For this lab session, the aim was to separate a small mixture and let us know the different types of separation techniques. I learnt a lot during this lab session. I got to know the physical properties of the substances involved. Then, we used some separation techniques such as filtering and boiling to help us separate the substances. This lab session was quite interesting as we got to know and use some of the separation techniques.


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