Reflections on Science Experiences (Term 1)

Lab Lesson 1: Science Laboratory Rules

It was my first lab session in Hwa Chong. Our science teacher, Mr Lim, brought us to the science lab and briefed us about safety rules of the lab.

We were also taught the following hazard symbols:





And many more...


I enjoyed this lab lesson as it is our first time in the Hwa Chong science laboratory and I got to know about many new equipment in the lab which could not be found in my primary school.  However, I am also aware about the possible hazards which are still fresh in my mind and also the safety precautions to take in the lab to prevent such accidents from happening. Although this lab lesson was not as exciting as I thought, I found it very enjoyable.

Lab Session 2 :Bunsen Burner

In this lab session, we were told on about how to use the bunsen burner and its parts and functions . This is similar to what we learnt:

We were then told of the safety precaution when lighting the bunsen burner.


Overall, this was the most fun lab lesson of term 1 as we got to light some ice-cream sticks and light up a bunsen burner ourselves. This was a rare experience. In this lesson, I got to know who were the playful and naughty ones and I will try not to follow their bad example of messing around with flames.

Lab Lesson 3 & 4: Observing and Recording

In lab session 3 & 4, we were learning about how to organise observations in a table. We also learnt how to differentiate an observation and an inference. Tables enable us to comprehend the results of an experiment better. For this session, we were testing chemical reactions.


I enjoyed this activity very much as I was mixing chemicals for my first time. It was very fun. However, I knew safety rules must be observed in this kind of situation as the chemical might be corrosive.

Lab Session 5: Pendulum

In this lab session, we were also supposed to predict and record the number of swings of the pendulum. Like this:


I feel that this lab session was quite boring.This session was basically recording the number of swings of pendulum. However, I knew this lab session was basically training our observation and prediction skills.

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