Term 2 Issues in teaching and Learning Science

Issues in teaching and Learning Science

In this term, we learnt about:
Measurements, Classification of Matter.

Length measurements are usually measured using a metre rule and the smallest division is 0.1cm thus the reading you can obtain is 0.05cm. Measurements made on the metre rule cannot exceed 1 d.p. in cm. 

Parallax errors occur when the object is not at the same level as the markings of the scale.
Ways to reduce it are: 
  • Ensure that the eye is placed vertically above the mark to be read.
  • Find the average.
Vernier Calipers
It can be used to measure an accuracy up to 0.01cm or 0.1mm. 

Click here for an applet of the vernier calipers.

Read the main scale and vernier scale. Final reading= main scale reading + vernier scale reading

Positive zero error
Actual Reading = Initial Reading - Zero Error

Negative zero error

Actual Reading = Initial Reading + Zero Error

Micrometer screw gauge
It can be used to measure accurately up to 0.01mm.

Click here for an applet of the micrometer screw gauge.

Meniscus Reading

A is concave meniscus and B is convex meniscus.

Physical Quantities and Units

Prefixes for SI units:

Mass, Weight, Density

Density = Mass/Volume

Weight in measured in Newton(N).

Classification of Matter

Kinetic Particle Theory:

Matter is made up of tiny discrete particles, which are in constant random motion.

In solids, the atoms are closely packed and constantly vibrating. The atoms in a liquid are more spaced out and in constant motion. The atoms in a gas are very far apart and move in random directions. Also, the theory explains the change of state in matter during boiling, melting and freezing.

Elements, Compounds and Mixtures:
An element is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by any known chemical methods. A compound is a substance containing two or more elements joined together by a chemical reaction. A compound has very different properties from its elements. A mixture is a mixture of elements that are not chemically combined.

Reflections on termly performance

Personal Performance

In this term, I got a B4 in my test. I am very disappointed with myself. I knew that I did not put in my best effort. Thus, I have set my target clear , to attain an A1.

I plan to revise my work much earlier before the test so that I will have enough time to revise all my notes and worksheets. I will consult the teacher whenever I have doubts to clarify my issue as soon as possible. I would also raise more relevant questions in class discussions or lessons.

In this term's class test, I spent too much time on the multiple choice and did the rest of the paper in a hurry and I did not have enough time to check my paper although I managed to complete it. Thus, I need to plan my time well for tests. I plan to improve by timing myself when I do practice papers and worksheets at home.

Also, in this class test, I noticed that I made many careless mistakes, especially due to the wrong number of significant figures/ decimal places in my answer. This might be due to the fact that I was nervous during the exam. I could do that type of question previously on worksheets. In addition, I did not study much this time and thus I lacked preparation.  I should start revising as early as possible to prevent such cases from happening again.

Growth Development
In this term, I encountered lessons that I did not understand, for example, in explaining the kinetic particle theory, there were many points to take note of but I was still unclear on what were the important points when tackling such questions. I went on Google to look it up and asked my friends for help. I was quickly able to understand the kinetic particle theory without much help from the teacher.

Also, I would check the iVLE lessons and go through them once more to make sure that I am able to comprehend all the information. If there are still some points I do not understand, I will simply ask my teacher during the next lesson. I will not hesitate to consult the teacher after school.

My Personal Work

Hwa Chong Institution LSS 1 2013 Science Notes
Text 2 MindMap (to create my mindmap)

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